What is Known about (66391) 1999 KW4?
Physical Properties
Property | Value (primary) | Reference1 | Value (secondary) | Reference1 |
Effective Diameter | 1.317km | Ostro et al. | 0.451 km | Ostro et al. |
Axial Ratio | 1.532 x 1.495 x 1.347 km | Ostro et al. | 0.571 x 0. 463 x 0.349 km | Ostro et al. |
Spectral Type | S | Binzel et al. | ||
Colors | ||||
H G |
16.5 0.150 |
Rotation Period | 2.7645 h | Ostro et al. | average rotation synchronous with orbit period of ~17.4 hours | |
Albedo | 0.26 | LCDB | ||
Radar Properties | ||||
Shape Model | ||||
Lightcurves | Δ 0.12 mag | Pravec et al. |
1Unpublished references are for informational purposes only. Contact the authors before citing or reporting on the results they contain.

- References
- Binzel et al. (2004) Icarus 170, 259-294
- Ostro et al. 2006, Science 314, 1276-1280.
- Pravec et al. 2006, Icarus. 181 (1): 63-93.