2020 GO1 Geometry
Heliocentric and Geocentric Distances

Heliocentric and Geocentric Distances of 2020 GO1 in the months around closest approach
Solar Elongation and Solar Phase Angle

Solar Elongation and Solar Phase Angle of 2020 GO1 in the months around closest approach

Solar Elongation and Solar Phase Angle of 2020 GO1 in the days around closest approach
Predicted Brightness

Predicted Brightness of 2020 GO1 in the months around closest approach
Orbit of 2020 GO1

Oblique view showing the positions of the asteroid and Earth (coinciding) on the date of closest approach. The thin lines show the projection of the asteroid's orbit projected onto the ecliptic plane, with tic marks denoting 15-day intervals.

View of the orbit in a reference frame co-rotating with the Earth. Circles denote positions of the asteroid at intervals of 30 days relative to perihelion (filled circle). The upper plot shows the view from above the ecliptic plane and the low plot is the view along the ecliptic plane.
Graphs courtesy Dr. Tony Farnham